DWB Products

Our natural environment’s energy provides everyone the wealth of our ecology and our minerals’ bounty for technological growth. DWB offers solutions to immediately supply regions with the equipment they need to harvest the fruits of nourishment, health, communications, and economic development.

DWB: 100% Sustainable







And Much More

Leaning Towards Tomorrow & Piercing Through the Clouds of Corporate Conventional Conformity

Concept of Distribution

The versatile Project Development System of the operational platform registers to feed our daily aspiration for gain, prosperity, and peace, from the perspective of economic growth right from the heart of any society anywhere. Therefore, because we all aspire to education, comfort, and health, our philosophy in project inception relates directly and in priority to the immediate distribution of vital products to rising World regions.

Development Products

Modular Construction Systems – Slow Moving Water Energy
Solar Panel Technology

Conag 9D International Inc.

SIP Technology – Modular Construction

Kurt Freiter – President | 1963 10th Avenue North
Lake Worth Florida 33461 | Phone: 561-586-5346 | Fax: 561-588-9199

To meet these challenges CONAG:9D Panel Homes Corp (CONAG:9D), and CONAG:9D “Green” Building Systems has positioned itself to revolutionize the housing industry and are pleased to present the following CONAG:9D SIP “Green” Housing proposal to the Group for all developing countries of the world. The group is proposing to provide a “Green” Building System Housing Program that will provide temporary and permanent housing, schools, hospitals and other structures within within all the areas where DWB established itself through the operation platform of the Marine Foundation. Watch the video here.

Watch Video Click here

• Providing fast housing and shelter
• Placing SIP plants right in all affected regions of the World
• Creation of jobs and stimulate economic development
• Promoting social betterment for populations through the provision of affordability
• Promoting skills transfer to locals.

Slow Moving Water Energy

Waterotor has completed more than seven years of development. Numerous wind tunnel and waterway tests have been completed as well as testing in the world’s largest flume tank at Memorial University in St. John’s Newfoundland, Canada. They are  also preparing for final long-term verification testing in multiple locations including the Canadian Hydro-kinetic Turbine Test Centre (CHTTC) located near Winnipeg Manitoba:

No other technology or company has proven cost-effective and efficient extraction of power from “low-head” or “flat” run-of-the-river, ocean and tidal slow-moving water. 71% of Planet Earth is slowly moving Water. Waterotor can provide a predictable, continuous, and massive source of renewable energy. At least one major Global Manufacturer will ramp up mass production to meet the initial 200B. USD/Year markets; selling Waterotor and, or, through one of more major power companies; providing the electricity.

Blue Sky Solar Inc.

Fastest Growing Sola PV Comapny

Subhankar Banik – President | Official Website |

Blue Sky Solar Inc., is One of the Fastest growing Solar PV company in Canada providing the best in class energy transition solutions. The company received the Best Customer Reviews in Google, My Business and Social Media. They have Customized and best in the market product offerings for residential /commercial and utility-scale Solar PV systems. The organization is composed of  35+ professional staff with over 500 years of combined Solar PV Power project development experience in 4 continents. Their Headquarters are in Ontario, Canada with project offices in Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, India and Germany. In 2019 they have expanded to Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia.

Mission: Helping people take control of their electricity, Blue Sky Solar is a champion in sustainable growth.

Health Products

“Health-To-Go” – Insulin Project – Insurance Coverage

“Health to Go”
Accessible to All

100% Safe to Children

“We do not use THC based products. Therefore our CDB brand is 100% acceptable for children and mom equally. Our product is hemp-based and does not carry THC drug products and has the same medical effect. We are in compliance with the FDA in the USA, where it is manufactured, and laboratory tested weekly for quality. As a family-oriented organization, we take the well-being of our consumers very seriously and provide caring services”

Our Quality is Impeccable

“The molecular structure of the compound is vastly different than that of THC. THC is responsible for the high, while cannabidiol is responsible for all the health benefits. CDB has than 80 active substances found in the plant, and we can safely say that this compound doesn’t possess the mind-altering properties of THC. As of currently, there have been no reported negative effects from the usage of cannabidiol.”

The World's Best Protection

“90% of CDB existing companies do not sell what they advertise. Our company represents vastly 10% remaining. A study conducted by a team of biologists growing Organic Oil and other plants substitute, under the Canadian Health Canada research license, demonstrated that extract could help prevent the Corona-virus from infecting human cells.”

CBD and Children

CBD Oil for Kids: Things You Should Know

The use of CBD oil for kids has grown in popularity over recent years. Here’s what you need to keep in mind if considering giving your child CBD oil.

As more is discovered about CBD and its natural benefits, more and more parents are exploring CBD oil products for their children.

Made from the stalks and seeds of hemp, CBD oil is an all-natural product that interacts with the body’s native systems to promote balance and wellness.

You may have heard about the potential balancing benefits of CBD oil for your kid, but are hesitant because of the cannabinoid products’ relationship to cannabis. There is a large amount of misinformation out there, so this guide is meant to help educate you on CBD oil for kids so that you can better decide whether the product is right for your child.

CBD is Not THC

Some parents may be hesitant to give CBD to their kids because of its relationship to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis that causes euphoric effects. While CBD is a cannabis-derived cannabinoid like THC, the two are unique and each interacts with the body differently.

THC is the cannabinoid most commonly associated with marijuana. THC binds directly with the endocannabinoid system’s CB1 receptors in the brain, which is what elicits a euphoric high. THC and marijuana are federally illegal and only available in states that have passed medical marijuana legislation and permit access to children.

Unlike THC, CBD is completely non-psychoactive. Not only does CBD not bind directly with CB1 receptors, but it also indirectly blocks the receptors from binding with THC, suppressing the cannabinoid’s psychoactive properties. CBD also interacts with various other receptors throughout the body, like the 5-HT1A receptor, which is linked to serotonin.

When derived from hemp, CBD oil contains little to no levels of THC. In hemp, THC is present no more than 0.3 percent by dry weight, about 33 times less than the lowest potent marijuana and far below the psychoactive threshold. This means that, when consumed at suggested servings, CBD oil will not cause your child to experience a high. Hemp-derived CBD oil is also legal under federal law in the United States.

CBD Augments the Body’s Own Cannabinoids

Cannabinoids naturally occur in the body. The body’s own cannabinoids – Anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol – are naturally synthesized to interact with the endocannabinoid system and its receptors to control communication between cells and mediate the body’s functions. Many children are also exposed to cannabinoids as infants through their mother’s breast milk.

When cannabinoid receptors are stimulated, a variety of physical functions occur in the body. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for keeping a wide array of functions – such as appetite, immune system response, thermoregulation, energy balance, metabolism, sleep health, mood, and memory – in balance.

A condition referred to as Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency suggests that a lack of cannabinoids in our systems can prevent the endocannabinoid system from properly keeping the body in balance. Many issues have been found to be associated with a lack of cannabinoids.

A properly functioning endocannabinoid system is crucial to maintaining health and wellness. By incorporating regular plant-derived cannabinoids like CBD into your kid’s diet, you’re supporting their body’s own naturally-synthesized cannabinoids to help ensure that the endocannabinoid system can more effectively keep functions in homeostasis.

Studies Have Found CBD to Be Safe

As a responsible parent, you’re rightfully concerned about the safety of any product you give your child.

CBD is considered to be safe, non-addictive, and non-toxic for humans, even at high amounts. A recent study investigating the safety of CBD concluded that controlled CBD administration is safe and non-toxic in humans and in animals.

To further ensure the safety of our products, all of HempMeds® CBD oil products come from non-GMO hemp grown free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.

Additionally, all of our products are Triple Lab Tested™. Three separate times throughout manufacturing, our CBD oil is tested for cannabinoid content and to ensure that it’s free of mold, mildew, fungus, yeast, E. coli, salmonella, mycotoxins, heavy metals, and any other residual solvents so that you and your children are protected from contamination. 

Benefits of CBD – Go to our CBD Official Website:

HEALTH TO GO | The world Best  | Why?

Because 90% of all existing companies who are medium or small size do not provide the quality product they are advertising, the remaining 10% of sellers are mostly large corporations registered in the stock exchange. They sell an average quality product containing THC and provide poor service to their clients. Their priority is their shareholders.

Health to Go CDB is part of the remaining 10% that sells the Hemp base product without THC. It provides a different market; Families who do not wish to use a product containing drug substances have the same medical effect.

Today there do not exist government regulations concerning the production and sales of CDB. The Customer does not know what he is buying.

Health to Go CDB has chosen to regulate itself. We are in compliance with the FDA in the USA, where the product is manufactured. Also, our product is laboratory tested weekly for assuring the best quality to our clientele. As a family-oriented company, we take to heart our customers’ well-being and ensuring the best services.

Conclusions: CBD has been known to help control many illnesses such as epilepsy, anti-inflammatory, relieves pain, promote bone growth, ease anxiety, and much more. A study conducted by biologist teams to grow Organic Oil and other plants substitute, under Canada’s health research license, said: Extract containing Organic Oil could prevent the corona-virus from infecting human cells.

Insulin Project

Pharmaceutical companies have the monopoly of Insulin at a price not affordable to lots of people. In truth, the manufacturing of Insulin is very low. DWB is on its way to producing an invaluable product for about 10% of pharmaceutical companies charges. This will represent an 80% gross profit margin.

Today, pharmaceutical companies control 96% of the world market. More than 500 million people worldwide are in vital need of something impossible or too expensive to obtain and in the USA alone, it shows that over 20 million people cannot afford the product. The condition is also for millions in Africa, India, and South America.

DWB Development Project for the Production of Insulin, affordable to all.

Within 15 month of preparation DWB is launching its own brand of insulin. The product will be distributed via the channels of the Marine Foundation’s medical network in the 241 nations of the world.

Regional Wealth Development

Mining Services – Equipment – Precious Metals

Mining Services

Sustainable mining operations.

In Africa and South America the land yield incredible wealth in the form of minerals. The Bank investment will be focused on establishing target areas in the needs of sustainable micro-economies.

Small mining operations run and operated by the local peoples. The tools and know-how will be provided and supervised by the bank appointed.

The processing/revenues of minerals will be handle by the bank, with a gross profit of about 60 % for the bank and investors.

Those small micro-economies will generate thousands of jobs and help hundreds of thousands of family members have an excellent sustainable leaving.

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