And the United Nations of Africa


Nations beyond Geological Location








1 – The Balkan Federation, assembled by unified, independent sovereign nations responsible keepers of peace and harmonious economy, has protocols and rules regulated under the global native sovereign populations governance of the First Development World Bank (DWB) and the Marine Foundation. Ethical practices and laws are defined to provide the well-being of all people and the protection of women and children with zero tolerance for immoralities and corruption.

2 – The sovereignty of the Federation represents over a billion native people characterized by independent states, making this unit the most powerful organized system worldwide, defining its defense military strength, economic power, and cultural influence. The Balkan Federation is a central government’s constitution for each member state’s excellent benefit. It represents the absolute authority of a central government in the realm of defense, foreign affairs, and trade.

3 – Through the coexistence of its population, the sharing of resources and markets, its geopolitical position, and the strength of its institutions, the Balkan Federation, independent and sovereign, stays impartial to its protocols, rules, and moral beliefs and will protect its populations from any independent state desire to fathom disruptive
dictatorship of any kind.

4 – The Balkan Federation is a full sovereign power that exercises its economy and promotes sustainable social and economic development for impoverished countries. It allows member states to pool their resources and work together to address common challenges. By creating a common financial framework, it promotes growth, trade, investment, and effective economic policies, with the ability to address the needs of its member states.

5 – The Balkan Federation is a platform for member states to collaborate on social and environmental initiatives, such as education, healthcare, and environmental protection. By working together, member states can share knowledge and resources and promote the development of sustainable practices that benefit all countries.

6 – The Balkan Federation’s territory is now a neutral geopolitical and economic zone for trade and economic development, which maintains a neutral position in international affairs under the Development World Bank DWB rules, unaffected by outside political and economic powers subject to geopolitical competition and conflict. The DWB is committed to promoting sustainable and inclusive economic growth, working closely with governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to support various development initiatives.

7 – The Balkan Federation, with its central bank DWB, endeavors to build infrastructure, education, and job creation, in the constitution of its government whereby each member nations receive full and unconditional security of its borders. The DWB, defining the central government of the Balkan Federation, supports the principle of complete independence for its member countries regarding the absolute respect for human rights, economic strategies, political endeavors, and total religious and cultural freedom.

8 – The Balkan Federation, with its central governing body, represented the DWB, Development World Bank, will not compromise on its integrity to protect the precious moral values attached to the traditions of the people of the Balkans. The Federation’s vision and philosophy are the pillars of an international moral, principled, ethical, honorable standard of development, stability, and growth. The freedom that promotes the region to become one of the most outstanding economies on earth is also the responsible act of absolute respect with zero tolerance for anything that harms the physical or spiritual health of the population’s children, women, and families.

Brian Sergy Mason
President of the Balkan Federation

For the Moral Protection of Our Populations & The Absolute Safety of Every Mother and Child.

Balkan Federation Protocols - Click here

1 – Achieving a “sovereign alliance” of the Natives people of the Balkans requires strategically implementing the law of common sense. The goal is to lead DWB First Development World Bank and the Marine Foundation platform to produce sustainable economic development for the Federation and all the independent countries.

2 – In terms of economic development, there is a need to reform the established global system to make it more equitable and responsive to the needs of developing countries. We are improving the based global financial system that no longer functions in today’s complex geopolitical world. The system will include implementing policies prioritizing sustainable development and environmental protection and promoting fair trade and investment practices that benefit all parties involved.

3 – Achieving a sovereign alliance of the Native peoples of the Balkans requires a long-term commitment to promoting social, economic, and environmental justice in the region. The motion will require a shift away from the traditional paradigm of development that prioritizes economic growth at the expense of other social and environmental considerations and towards a more holistic approach that recognizes the inter-connectedness of all aspects of human development.

4 – The Balkan Federation will administrate all foreign political and diplomatic matters, including negotiating with other countries and international organizations on trade, security, and human rights issues. In addition, the Balkan Federation establishes a clear set of priorities and objectives for its foreign policy based on its member countries’ needs and interests, particularly the peace and safety of their populations.

5 – The Balkan Federation is the central power under the Presidency of Brian Sergy Mason. The Balkan Federation is established, under the authority of its president, to prioritize, without compromises, the protection of vulnerable populations, preventing the absolute safety of women and children.

6 – The Federation will promote free entrepreneurship to help bring back economic stability in the Balkan countries with innovation, investment, and job creation. The Federation contributes to the more remarkable economic growth of its member nations and financial partners worldwide.

7 – The Balkan Federation will benefit its member nations with the principle of the “Transfer of Technologies” implanted system of the DWB and sophisticated Public Relations platforms of the Marine Foundation. Technology transfer builds local capacity and expertise, which can contribute to remarkable economic and social development.

8 – The transfer of technologies is an essential strategy for promoting economic development and innovation in the Balkans and involve facilitating the transfer of knowledge, skills, and technology between countries in the region and between the Balkan region and other parts of the world, mainly from Japan. The Balkan region has comparative advantages or significant potential for growth, involving partnering with academic institutions, research organizations, and businesses in other countries to share knowledge and expertise and providing training and support to entrepreneurs and businesses part of the Balkan Federation.

9 – Through (DWB) First Development World Bank, the Federation will subsidize feasible entrepreneurship in a manner that promotes social and environmental responsibility, regardless of the old socioeconomic background of its member countries. The DWB is an international financial banking institution providing subsidies for regional entrepreneurship ventures.

10 – All countries’ government assets will be managed and leveraged on the world financial market for economic development through the Balkan federation leadership central power. The Balkan Federation ensures that any transformation becomes a transparent and equitable platform and that the benefits of economic development suit all members of the Federation.

11 – The Marine Foundation will provide all the necessary help for social, health, and education that the Balkan Federation will need to achieve prosperity with all the services that can play an essential role in improving the well-being of individuals and communities in the Balkans. Morality and ethics play a vital role in education, as they help shape students’ values and behaviors and contribute to developing a responsible and compassionate society. Therefore, education is not just about imparting knowledge and skills but also about promoting the development of a moral and ethical framework that can guide individuals in making informed and responsible decisions throughout the populations of the Balkan Federation.

12 – As a united independent region and also the United Nations of the Balkans, the Federation members agreed to uphold the constitutional rules of the Balkan Federation with solid moral beliefs and integrity. Promoting morality and ethics in education is integral to fostering responsible citizenship and building a more just and equitable society. Moreover, by integrating these values into the educational system, The Balkan Federation creates a future generation of leaders committed to making a positive difference in the world.

13 – All the Federation’s free trade members are under the management of the Development World Bank (DWB). The DWB involves the financial protection of the regions by creating ties with the liberated nations of Africa and provides benefits for both regions, including opportunities for economic and social development, collaboration on issues of mutual concern, and increased political and diplomatic influence on the global stage.

14 – The Federation’s central power will administrate the free neutral zone. The DWB commits to working with relevant government and civil society organizations to develop policies and procedures for the zone’s management and conduct ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure it functions effectively.

15 – The central governmental power (DWB) guarantees the federation members’ border security and financial well-being through sustainable economic development will result in all Balkan countries’ stability throughout prosperity.

16 – The federation members will provide the necessary funding for their security and management. They will involve contributing to a shared budget or financing specific programs or initiatives that fall under the purview of the Federation. Providing necessary funding for security and management would be a critical component of any successful Balkan Federation. It would require a commitment to transparency, accountability, and cooperation among member countries.

17 – All Federation members are limited (LTD) in their foreign leadership, and all will refer to the central power for decisions. The central authority will streamline decision-making and promote unity and cooperation among member countries. Ensuring that each country’s unique needs and perspectives fit the purpose of unity and harmony among regions is vital.

18 – Achieving greatness of the Balkan Federation involves the care and protection of the essential value that all people are created equal and that the standards in the security of primarily children and women are uncompromisingly respected. Accordingly, the Balkan Federation commits to social justice and human rights principles and a willingness to prioritize moral values in all aspects of governance and policy-making.

Alliance With Nations of Africa

The Balkan Federation cooperating with, and supporting the development of Africa, will positively impact both regions. From the perspective of the Balkans, such a partnership could create opportunities for increased trade, investment, and diplomatic ties with African nations, potentially leading to economic growth and more significant international influence for the region.

For Africans, the partnership with the Balkan Federation will provide access to brand-new markets, resources, and expertise. It will also support developing regional infrastructure needs and institutions, such as modern transportation networks and vital educational programs. This will contribute to ultra-fast economic growth and job creation and improve the quality of life of African people.

A New Balkan Federation Cooperating with African Development is a Winning Concept that Speaks to the Heart of Existing Thriving Populations with the Inevitable Potential to Benefit Both Regions.

Flag of the Balkan Federation

Tribal Unification & Natives Prosperity

President Mason conceived the DWB (Development World Bank) with the vision of liberating all the native tribes of the world. Therefore, it became a priority to establish roots in Africa first, the land of all origins. Africa, a diverse continent with many different indigenous groups and cultures, wholeheartedly embraces the development proposals of the DWB. Like Africa, the Balkans (also known as the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe) have a complex multi-cultural history. Similarly, Western powers have left these two regions misunderstood and mistreated. Africa and the Balkans genuinely relate to the unifying spirit of Mr. Mason, who comes entirely sovereign and independent, to elevate the concept of peace to a platform of economic liberation made accessible to all.

Balkans Member Nations

The United Balkan Federation is more than just a political and economic entity. It symbolizes the triumphant spirit of humanity, demonstrating that nations, despite their tumultuous histories, can come together to build a future defined by peace, prosperity, and mutual respect. The United Balkan Federation emerges as a beacon of unity, brotherhood, and collaboration, with a blend of cultural richness, historical legacy, and economic promise.

What Makes the Balkan Federation a Made-in Heaven United Civilization - Click here

1. A Cultural Tapestry:

The Balkans, known for its diverse cultures, languages, and religions, would be a living mosaic where culturally colorful regions and many other identities come together. Picture bustling festivals where traditional dances from all these nations are performed side by side and markets where languages blend as seamlessly as the colors of the spices being sold.

2. Historical Marvel:

A united federation accentuates the fusion of Byzantine, Ottoman, and European architectures across the region. Historic cities, ancient ruins, and world-renowned landmarks are a shared heritage, drawing millions to admire the intertwined stories of civilizations that have passed through the Balkans.

3. Economic Synergy:

By pooling resources, opening borders, and optimizing infrastructure, the Balkan Federation has become a dynamic economic hub. A unified market and shared policies will attract investments, revitalize agriculture, and encourage technological innovation, making the region a strong contender on the global economic stage.

4. Natural Splendors:

The United Balkans offers breathtaking landscapes from the Adriatic’s pristine beaches to Bosnia’s dense forests and from the Danube’s flowing waters to Macedonia’s serene lakes. With collaborative efforts in environmental conservation, these natural wonders will be preserved and showcased as global eco-tourism destinations.

5. Global Peacekeeping:

Having transitioned from a history of strife to a beacon of unity, the Balkan Federation plays a pivotal role in global peacekeeping. Drawing from their collective experiences, they can mediate international disputes and offer lessons in reconciliation and nation-building.

6. Educational & Collaborations:

Learning centers in Belgrade, Sofia, Skopje, and other cities will establish joint academic programs and research endeavors. The Balkans is a hub of knowledge where ancient wisdom meets modern innovation.

7. Gastronomic Delights:

Balkan cuisine, already a feast for the senses, is more prosperous as a united federation. Picture restaurants where you can savor Albanian byrek, Serbian sarma, Bulgarian kavarma, and Croatian pastries in a single setting.