Statement On Refugee Migration Policy


 No country can shoulder the migration burden, primarily driven by war or nations disregarding fundamental human rights.

An open borders policy is not in the interest of countries striving to uphold the rule of law and respect the diverse opinions and ancestral democratic values of its citizens. Open migration poses risks to the security of the nation and its residents.


Law and order must be upheld at all security tiers, from border agents to military personnel and police officers. Every individual granted citizenship is expected to live by and uphold the constitutional laws of the nation. However, evidence suggests that the influx of refugees often bypasses established protocols, potentially compromising the nation’s law and order and placing additional strain on its citizens. This situation is further exacerbated by the financial challenges of accommodating these individuals.

As a representative of the United Nations of the Balkan Federation, a primary concern is ensuring robust border security for our member states. We are witnessing refugees from Syria and Iraq traveling to Germany via Turkey. Moreover, due to financial constraints and personal challenges, many refugees find themselves unable to continue their journey to their intended destinations. Consequently, they find themselves in liminal states reminiscent of the Romani people, often called Gypsies. Such circumstances foster lawlessness. These displaced individuals, lacking formal employment opportunities and without governmental support, significantly strain the social infrastructure of transit countries like Turkey.


Migration repercussions are felt on a global scale. Such refugees might settle in the immediate neighboring nation or travel to another destination. Regardless, it unsettles the global equilibrium.

The primary challenge associated with refugee migrations stems from acts of war or repressive measures targeted at specific populations or an entire nation.

As per the directive of the United Nations of the Balkan Federation, it is imperative to institute international rules of law. This directive posits that any nation or governing body that instigates or supports war, either directly or indirectly, against another entity and consequently prompts the displacement of its citizens under the misused guise of “Democracy” must be held accountable for their actions. They must shoulder the financial responsibilities that arise, including the costs incurred by nations offering refuge—covering essentials like shelter, water, food, and infrastructure.

Any nation or proxy groups endorsing the aggressor will also be held financially accountable for these damages.

The United Nations, while championing peace and democracy, must acknowledge the ramifications of its aggressive or interventionist actions, as the case may be. Utilizing subversive politics, such as imposing sanctions on nations to compel them to adopt a particular brand of democracy, often exacerbates global challenges. Not only do these sanctions often prove ineffective, but they also fail to address the root causes of the issues. Every sovereign nation retains the unassailable right to cultivate its form of democracy, congruent with its cultural and ethnic heritage, as the pathway toward genuine peace.

The United Nations of the Balkan Federation stands against the imposition of embargoes and unwarranted sanctions, barring instances related to curbing wrongful military actions. Instead, the Federation seeks to encourage and champion well-considered, proactive measures. We invite nations to collaborate on pragmatic solutions that serve the collective good, prioritizing diplomacy and shared understanding.

Suggested Solutions for Firm Assessment:

1- Bolster border security by augmenting the workforce and integrating advanced electronic surveillance systems. Implement rigorous immigration checks and validations for entry.

2- Repatriate any foreign nationals not adhering to stipulated immigration rules, further bolstering the immigration legal framework.

3- Shift the financial burden of managing undocumented migrants to their respective countries of origin. Enforce this policy by automatically appropriating funds from the country’s foreign bank accounts, assets, and trade revenues as compensation.

4- Propose the establishment of an international, temporary settlement zone for these migrants. Funding should be secured from global agencies. Within this zone, carry out evaluations to understand the skills and needs of these individuals, facilitating their strategic placement in global job markets, and this would prevent overburdening any single nation with a large influx of migrants.

In light of the circumstances, the United Nations of the Balkan Federation commits to overseeing and addressing challenges related to refugee migrations within the Federation.

A Word of Counsel from the Balkan Federation:

To nations disregarding the sanctity of human life and those who, reminiscent of certain Western powers, sow seeds of discord, remember that history will hold you accountable for your actions.

The members of the Federation stand firm in their resolution not to be dragged into conflicts that induce forced migrations, especially when such conflicts arise from political aspirations driven by avarice from major global players. We reject attempts at intimidation and corrupt practices by nations that champion questionable democratic values, notably some European countries, and any proxy influences from the United States or other global powers.

A Resounding Advisory from the Balkan Federation:

To nations around the globe, heed this counsel. We, the Balkan Federation, have witnessed the intricate interplay of power, politics, and the lives of innocents. Our stance remains unwavering in a world increasingly influenced by select forces and concealed agendas. We urge nations to prioritize humanity over hegemony, dialogue over discord, and cooperation over coercion. Let history remember this moment when the Balkan Federation stood tall and voiced a plea for collective introspection and mutual respect among all nations. Stand with us in crafting a harmonious future, or risk being on the wrong side of history.